Billboard Business

Even Social Media Execs Notice Billboards

I like to listen to Econtalk podcasts on the airplane.  The format consists of the Hoover institute’s Russ Roberts interviewing a guest for an hour.  His guest list is a who’s who of economics and business:  Milton Friedman, Thomas Piketty, Nassim Taleb, Reid Hoffman, Marc Adreessen, Jeffrey Sachs…

During an August 4, 2014 podcast Russ Roberts was having a wide-ranging discussion with Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha, the founders of LinkedIn.  They were talking about a future of networking and big data and cognitive science when the billboards entered the discussion.   Russ Roberts mentioned the movie Lucy.  Ben Casnocha thought for a moment and said: “I saw a billboard about it.

I saw a billboard about it.  Not I watched the trailer.  Not I read it in a twitter post.  A modern age computer geek reached by a billboard ad. Evidence that billboard advertising is effective.

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